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November 6th is National Nachos Day

national nachos day
There are many national holidays and celebrations throughout the year, and National Nachos Day is not something you want to miss. As the perfect lunch, dinner, or even quick snack, nachos are an Atlanta favorite. The unique mix of tortilla chips, queso, and a variety of ingredients creates a filling and flavorful meal.

Found at the ballpark, food trucks, casual restaurants, and more commonly, Mexican and Ameri-Mex restaurants, nachos are a tasty treat everyone enjoys. Although thought of as Mexican food, nachos are actually a Tex-Mex invention with a unique history.

Nachos History
Nachos were created in in 1943 when a group of hungry guests showed up at a restaurant. There was only one employee there—Ignacio Anaya—and the chef was not working at the moment. The Mexican employee was left with only a handful of food to choose from: tortillas and cheese. He began cutting the tortillas into triangles, spreading melted cheese, and adding jalapeños. This was the first-ever nachos creation, and the hungry spectators loved their ‘Nachos Especiales,’ or ‘Nacho’s Special Dish’ named after Anaya’s nickname Nacho.

This special dish quickly grew in popularity across Texas and other parts of the Southwest for the next 20 years. You can visit the eatery Anaya opened called ‘Nacho’s Restaurant’ in the border town near Piedras Negras, and the ‘Moderno Restaurant’ that still uses the original nachos recipe.
Ignacio Anaya passed away in 1975, and a plaque was created in Piedras Negras in his honor. Today, we celebrate nachos with National Nachos Day.

Nachos Today
Today, nachos are sold at ballparks, restaurants, food trucks, and more. Frank Liberto introduced the idea of nachos as a stadium snack. He created a melted cheese product that did not have to be heated that also had a longer shelf life compared to the original cheese used for nachos. Liberto began selling nachos at Arlington Stadium in the 1970s and 1980s, and the menu item really took off. This is largely due to him introducing his stadium nachos to famous sports broadcaster, Howard Cosell. Cosell praised the idea during a Monday night football game, which is credited for the large popularity of the Tex-Mex dish.

Today you can find nachos at almost any restaurant, either as an appetizer or a full course meal. Fast-casual restaurants as well as casual restaurants usually offer nachos as a menu option. While some people enjoy their nachos plain with melted queso cheese, some prefer a mix of beans, meat, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, and a variety of vegetables including onions, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, and salsa. You can even order nachos at Atlanta music and art festivals, where many Tex-Mex food trucks are available.

How to Celebrate National Nachos Day
With the many ingredients included on nachos, everyone can order something they like. There are many ways you can celebrate National Nachos Day, held annually on November 6th. If you are looking for the perfect spot to eat tasty nachos with your friends or family, visit one of Twisted Taco’s Metro-Atlanta locations. Complete with a full Tex-Mex menu, over 40 types of beer, and 10+ handcrafted margarita flavors, Twisted Taco is the perfect environment for your November 6th nachos celebration. Most of our locations offer beautiful rooftop patios, and all include a fun atmosphere. Come enjoy the fun! 

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