Atlanta is a hotbed of Tex-Mex food.
You know what accompanies that style of cuisine and many others very well with its tart-sweet kick? A margarita!
This kind of alcoholic beverage, usually made with tequila, is a party style drink that will set your night off right.
Be careful though.
Sip a few of these and your night is bound to leave you with a smile on your face the next day.
Or you could end up not remembering much at all! Whoops.
The best margarita in Atlanta can be found in quite a few places because this much-loved drink is the number one cocktail ordered at restaurants and bars, so the search for margaritas isn’t that complicated.
Everyone is getting in on the margarita action!
You can, of course, come up with your own homemade margarita recipe to make at your house or you can check out the margarita scene of Atlanta in these fine establishments.
A Quality Margarita Recipe
Keep in mind a high-quality margarita recipe has good tequila, doesn’t use a pre-made shelf margarita mix that’s loaded with chemicals and sugar, and can come in regular or flavored versions.
Some of those exotic ones could include blood orange, mango, cucumber, and even spicy margarita cocktails with jalapenos juice, if you dare. Oh, we dare!
Some Local Spots to Grab the Best Margaritas in Atlanta
A few spots that are known for their margaritas are the following:
- Bone Garden Cantina: Try their house margaritaor
a pitcher for the table
- Agave:
If you like fruit, their Peachtree Margarita is a sweet and potent delight.
- No Mas! Cantina:
A vibrant and fun spot to try the Fuego Margarita, which is made with jalapeno-infused tequila.
- Mezcalito’s Cocina & Tequila Bar: Try the Devil’s Margarita
here. We don’t know what’s in it, but it sounds pretty exciting since all of their margaritas are custom made from scratch
The Absolute Best Margarita is Here
This cantina simply has the best margarita in Atlanta.
The search for margaritas needs to lead you to belly up to the bar at this hot spot to sample their hand-crafted margaritas.
There are many various kinds to try including the Naturally Twisted Margaritas, which is a true classic. Simple in form, but oh so delicious, this one is made with Patron Silver, organic agave nectar, and freshly squeezed lime.
The ring of salt or sugar is optional, but this can be made on the rocks with ice or frozen.
Another perfect margarita to try is their Cactus Margarita with Altos Reposado Tequila, prickly pear mix, and cactus juice liquor. A new classic in the making!
A Few Fun Alternative Margaritas at the Twisted Taco
If flavored margaritas are more your style, you order a variety of rotating flavors the bartender changes up regularly.
When a veggie based margarita is more your style you must try the Cucumber margarita with Altos Blancos Tequila, fresh cucumber, agave nectar, and orange liqueur.
If you want it with a potent kick ask your bartender to spice it up with fresh jalapenos.
The reason all of their margaritas are so spectacular is the base mix is house made with fresh squeezed lime, lemons, pure cane sugar, and filtered water.
You can tell the talented bartenders at the Twisted Taco actually care about the quality of each and every drink they make, tasting it with each margarita.
The search is over!
By finding the best margarita in Atlanta you can also rest easy that this classic drink will be a part of your memorable nights out for years to come.
Cheers and salud!